Hello, today a short pre-Christmas post about what I think is important at this point, so as not to get lost in what is irrelevant and pay attention to what actually matters.
Holidays are not about giving each other more and more expensive and fancy gifts, your interest, conversation, time and presence are more important. A toy or a gadget will get bored with time, it will spoil and nothing can replace the time spent together.
Holidays are also over, it's not worth doing them on credit, Most of us follow this rush, whenever we see Christmas commercials on TV and Christmas carols in galleries, we also turn our minds to "buying". In this commercialization, when we must have too much of everything and our gifts must be perfect, it is easy to get into trouble because everything becomes more and more expensive. It is important in all this not to live beyond your means and organize it all in such a way that you do not have to take payday loans or loans for the holidays, because this is not what it is all about. It would be ideal to just create a budget for things such as holidays, insurance or holidays, because this usually happens to us at the same time every year 😉 If you like to save, you can start with this.
Don't worry about Christmas, if your current situation is bad, be sure to sit down on Christmas evening and think about what you have, what you got from life, if you are healthy, you have a roof over your head, work, family, it's a lot ... in most cases we are in a better situation than 95 % of people in the world (still many people die of hunger, in wars or because of diseases that no longer exist in Europe, we have water, houses and the possibility of normal work, and many people in Poland suffer if the Internet is not working well). and we often exaggerate our problems, we need to calmly "watch the situation" and take action.
Giving is more satisfying than taking, and I know it may sound strange, but it's good to share. For many reasons, including just to feel better, that you can share something, that you can help someone, etc. Besides, good returns :) That's why it is worth helping others, supporting charity actions (even with small amounts, even a zloty matters ) but also share your time, conversation and skills with others. Sometimes it costs nothing, just talk, help to do something ... if you want to start doing it, I suggest at least a few zlotys.
And the most important thing to remember that in life, what is really important is usually other things than the whole hustle and bustle of shopping, than work and current problems ... Health, Family, Peace and what you care about and that you should focus on.
Therefore, due to the fact that this Christmas time is about to begin, I wish you a Peaceful, Healthy and Happy Christmas and Fulfillment of All Your Dreams!
Remember that if you have any doubts, I am happy to offer you advice and assistance. Let's meet, you will find that my help in choosing the best mortgage can be invaluable.
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