25 lutego 2024

Mortgage for building a house 2024

Which loan to choose for building a house?


Choosing the right loan for building your house is a common concern for many planning this venture. Firstly, assess the amount you intend to borrow. For smaller sums, a cash loan is an option, covering real estate purchase, renovations, or minor construction. Keep in mind that this form of financing comes with a cap, typically up to PLN 250,000. For larger sums, a construction and mortgage loan is worth considering. This comprehensive solution finances all construction stages and even the acquisition of a building plot. While this option involves higher costs, it grants you more control over the entire construction process.

What is a construction and mortgage loan?


A construction and mortgage loan is a financial option designed for those aspiring to build their dream home, purchase a new property and complete it, or acquire a pre-owned house and undertake renovations. This loan seamlessly combines elements of a mortgage and a construction loan, enabling financing for both the construction process and real estate acquisition. Growing in popularity in Poland, this loan stands out for offering a larger amount than a cash loan, providing more significant opportunities for investment financing. One notable feature is the progressive disbursement of funds by the bank throughout various construction stages, enhancing flexibility and efficiency. Throughout the construction phase, borrowers make regular interest payments, and banks may request additional safeguards for unforeseen circumstances like health issues, disability, or the investor's demise. Many loan agreements may also mandate insurance coverage until the completion of the construction, offering reassurance during the entire process. Upon completion, the construction and mortgage loan transitions to the mortgage loan phase. This involves converting the security to a mortgage, registering it in the land and mortgage register for the newly constructed house. Once the loan is fully repaid, the entry in the register is removed, marking the completion of the financial journey tied to your dream home.


Loan for building a house and own contribution


A home construction loan stands out as a popular avenue to turn your homeownership dream into reality. However, securing such a loan requires a personal contribution, serving as both security for the lending bank and a commitment from the borrower. Typically, this contribution should be at least 20% of the property's value. In cases where this isn't feasible, a reduced contribution of 10% may be negotiated with the requirement of low own contribution insurance. Low own contribution insurance provides added security for the bank but comes with the trade-off of higher loan installments until the full required contribution is repaid. Alternatively, the plot where the house will be constructed can sometimes be included as part of the own contribution. It's important to note that the own contribution is just one of several costs associated with building a house on credit. Additional considerations include loan-related expenses like a commission, property valuation fees, and loan insurance. Moreover, the overall project costs encompass building materials, construction team services, and other expenses beyond the loan itself.

Construction cost estimate for a bank


A construction cost estimate plays a pivotal role in securing a construction and mortgage loan from a bank. This crucial document aids banks in evaluating the investment's value. While banks may have specific requirements for the format, in most cases, it is prepared by the Investor, approved by the construction manager, and then included in the loan documentation. The submitted cost estimate should encompass a work schedule, facilitating the determination of successive house-building stages and the associated costs. This schedule, based on a detailed cost estimate, includes a plan for construction works. It enables banks to discern the sequence and cost of individual tasks. Given that the construction and mortgage loan is disbursed in installments, the work schedule is segmented into stages like the zero stage, open shell stage, closed shell stage, and occupancy stage.


Loan amount for building a house


When seeking a loan for building a house, it's crucial to calculate both the construction cost and the minimum own contribution. A down payment of 20% stipulates that the loan amount can be up to 80% of the property value. Consider applying for a slightly higher loan than the calculated cost estimate to account for unforeseen expenses, preventing construction delays due to insufficient funds. Adjustments or discontinuation of the final loan tranche payment can be made if necessary. Ultimately, securing a loan necessitates demonstrating sufficient creditworthiness to ensure timely repayment of installments.


Banks apply the minimum replacement value of m2 of construction


When applying for a house construction loan, banks meticulously review submitted documents like cost estimates and design plans. This thorough analysis aims to assess the feasibility of completing the construction project and determine the appropriate amount of financing required. Banks prioritize ensuring timely repayment, guarding against situations where the borrower might face financial constraints in completing construction. A crucial factor in evaluating loan applications is the minimum loan value per square meter, a criterion set by most banks. This value serves as the basis for calculating the minimum construction loan amount the bank will approve, considering the usable or total area of the building. Essentially, banks use this criterion to establish the minimum funding necessary to successfully complete the investment.


How much time does the bank give to complete the construction?



The appraisal report has a shelf life. It's good for 12 months, as per the rules in the real estate management law. But if stuff changes – laws, or important things about the property – it might lose its mojo. If you need to keep using it, just ask for a validity check, and you can extend its life for another year.


Construction cost estimate for a bank


Determining the anticipated duration for completing construction is crucial when securing a home building loan. It's advisable to incorporate extra time into the construction timeline, allowing for unforeseen events. Banks typically consider a two-year average duration for house construction, with a grace period during this period where only loan interest is repaid. To ensure building usage permission, all construction stages should ideally conclude within this timeframe. While some banks permit extending the grace period to 36 months, this necessitates an additional annex agreement and a creditworthiness reassessment.


Loan amount for building a house


When seeking a loan for building a house, it's crucial to calculate both the construction cost and the minimum own contribution. A down payment of 20% stipulates that the loan amount can be up to 80% of the property value. Consider applying for a slightly higher loan than the calculated cost estimate to account for unforeseen expenses, preventing construction delays due to insufficient funds. Adjustments or discontinuation of the final loan tranche payment can be made if necessary. Ultimately, securing a loan necessitates demonstrating sufficient creditworthiness to ensure timely repayment of installments.


A loan to build a house step by step


Securing a loan for building a house involves a step-by-step process that demands careful consideration before reaching a decision.

Assess Creditworthiness and Determine Loan Amount: Begin by evaluating your creditworthiness and estimating the appropriate loan amount. Check your history at the Credit Information Bureau and enhance your creditworthiness if possible. Allocate funds for the minimum required own contribution.
Select a Bank and Verify Requirements: Choose a bank and review its formal requirements. Compare offers from multiple banks, considering factors like interest rates, margin, commission, additional insurance, and any mandatory accounts or credit cards. Complete all necessary documents, including those confirming employment and income.
Submit Application and Await Decision: After preparing the required documents, submit your application and await the bank's decision. Before signing the loan agreement, meticulously analyze the conditions and seek clarification from a bank representative.
Loan Release and Tranche Schedule: Once the loan agreement is signed, the bank disburses the loan, usually following an agreed-upon tranche schedule. The funds become available within a few days.
Settle Subsequent Tranches During Construction: As the construction progresses, settle subsequent tranches of the loan by documenting the completed work.
Land and Mortgage Register Entry: After construction completion, register the mortgage with the bank in the land and mortgage register.
Complexity and Planning: Recognize that the entire process is complex and demands careful planning at each stage. Be thorough in understanding and executing the various aspects of the loan application for building a house.


When is the best time to apply for a construction loan?


Determining the ideal time to apply for a construction loan requires aligning the mortgage application deadline with the planned construction start date. Keep in mind that completing loan formalities typically spans 2-3 months. It's advisable to factor in this timeframe, allowing room for potential bank changes for a thorough loan comparison to select the most favorable option. The optimal moment to submit a mortgage loan application is approximately 5 months before the planned initiation of construction and loan disbursement. Within this period, you can meticulously evaluate various bank offers and make an informed choice. Late applications may lead to construction delays, while applying too early may result in unnecessary interest payments. Balancing these considerations ensures a smooth transition from loan application to construction commencement.

What documents are required for a house construction loan


When seeking a mortgage loan for house construction, investors must provide a comprehensive set of documents. Here's a typically required list: Documents Confirming Borrower's Information: Identity card along with an additional photo ID (some banks may request a marriage certificate).
Documents Regarding Income: Certificate of employment under an employment contract. For business owners: documents validating income, such as PIT for the previous tax year, the current Income and Expenditure Book, copies of NIP and REGON documents, and entry in the KRS register.
Documents for Your Building Plot:
Document confirming ownership (notarial deed of purchase, donation, or inheritance judgment).
Current land and mortgage register extract. Land register extract and excerpt.
Documents verifying plot designation for single-family residential development (Local Development Plan conditions, Development Conditions). Certificate of access to a public road.
Construction Documents:
Building permit or construction commencement notification.
Construction project.
Cost estimate with a construction schedule.
Log building documentation.

Note: Document requirements may vary among banks and depend on specific investment circumstances. It's crucial to have all necessary documents, as the absence of any may lead to loan denial or prolonged processing.


How the bank pays out a loan for building a house


A home construction loan, commonly offered by banks, follows a phased disbursement process aligned with construction progress. The process involves multiple stages:
Assessment Stage: The bank evaluates construction design, cost estimates, and the client's creditworthiness to decide on loan approval and the sanctioned amount.
Loan Agreement: After approval, a loan agreement is signed. The bank disburses the first tranche, earmarked for plot purchase or construction materials.
Progressive Disbursement: Subsequent tranches are released as construction milestones are reached and documented by the borrower (e.g., foundation completion, wall construction, roof installation).
Scheduled Disbursement: Disbursements align with the agreed schedule in the loan agreement. Some banks may allow borrowers to choose the order of tranche usage based on individual needs.
Payment Channels: Loan amounts are typically credited to the borrower's account or directly to the construction contractor's account. Banks may request documentation, such as invoices or work completion reports, confirming progress.
Early Repayment Option: Most construction loans permit early repayment without additional costs.

This phased approach ensures that funds are released in tandem with construction milestones, providing financial support throughout the building process.


Construction of a house on an agricultural plot


Constructing a house on an agricultural plot requires careful consideration and adherence to legal provisions. Not every plot is suitable for construction, and transforming an agricultural plot into a construction site is a complex process, feasible in only a limited number of cases. When considering financing for the purchase of an agricultural plot, be aware of market specifics. The April 14, 2016 Act introduced restrictions on selling agricultural plots exceeding 30 ares, reserving them for farmers. Banks, cautious of complications in loan repayment, often decline loans for plots exceeding this size or require a substantial own contribution. To navigate these complexities, it's essential to thoroughly analyze the real estate market and legal regulations. This ensures you avoid surprises and maintain financial security while fulfilling your dream of building a house on your own plot.


Construction cost estimate for a bank


When opting to purchase an incomplete house, the loan acquisition process differs slightly. The bank evaluates if the construction aligns with the design and possesses a valid building permit. The borrower must provide a cost estimate covering interior finishing, installations, and home furnishings. The loan is disbursed in installments as per the construction progress schedule, validated by a construction appraiser. However, such loans are typically granted when construction is well-progressed, and the borrower provides a suitable own contribution. Before committing to an unfinished house purchase, a thorough analysis of costs and potential risks is advisable to prevent future complications.


The most common mistakes made when taking a loan to build a house


Embarking on a long-term financial commitment like a home construction loan necessitates careful preparation and analysis. However, some investors make common mistakes that can not only escalate costs but also hinder the smooth execution of construction plans. Here are prevalent errors in applying for a home construction loan:
Incorrect Financial Estimation: Misjudging income and expenses can lead to inadequate preparation for loan repayment, risking insolvency. Insufficient Own Contribution: Failing to provide the required amount as an own contribution may result in loan inaccessibility.
Lack of Financial Cushion: Overlooking unforeseen expenses in budget planning, such as higher installments or job loss, can disrupt regular repayment.
Incorrect Property Valuation: Underestimating or overestimating the property's value can impact the granted loan amount.
Underestimated Costs: Unrealistic cost estimates may leave insufficient funds for completing the house.
Inadequate Time for Loan Organization: A rushed approach to preparing documentation and analyzing loan offers may lead to choosing an unsuitable financial product.
Hasty or Inaccurate Loan Term Analysis: Careless reading of loan terms can result in underestimating the impact of unfavorable clauses.
Lack of Exploration of Loan Offers: Not seeking multiple loan offers limits options and hampers decision-making.
Absence of Specialist Consultation: Ignoring specialist advice and making decisions independently can lead to oversight of crucial aspects.

Is it worth building a house with a construction loan?


Constructing a house with a construction loan is undoubtedly a worthwhile endeavor, but it requires careful preparation and financial analysis. Common mistakes include inaccurately estimating financial capabilities, lacking sufficient own contribution, not accounting for unforeseen expenses, and inadequate analysis of credit conditions. Exploring diverse loan offers, seeking specialist advice, and applying to multiple banks are crucial steps. Despite these considerations, building a house on credit is a viable option, especially for those lacking sufficient funds from personal sources.Determining the anticipated duration for completing construction is crucial when securing a home building loan. It's advisable to incorporate extra time into the construction timeline, allowing for unforeseen events. Banks typically consider a two-year average duration for house construction, with a grace period during this period where only loan interest is repaid. To ensure building usage permission, all construction stages should ideally conclude within this timeframe. While some banks permit extending the grace period to 36 months, this necessitates an additional annex agreement and a creditworthiness reassessment.


A loan advisor can play a key role in the process of applying for a home construction loan


A loan advisor plays a crucial role in the home construction loan application process, offering valuable assistance in various aspects: Creditworthiness Analysis: Conducting a thorough evaluation of your financial situation, income, and expenses, the advisor determines your creditworthiness. This helps prevent the risk of taking on excessive debt beyond your repayment capacity.
Choosing the Right Loan Offer: Leveraging knowledge about available loan offers, the advisor compares options from different financial institutions. Considering factors like interest rates, commissions, and repayment periods, they assist in finding the most suitable offer tailored to your needs.
Document Preparation and Formalities: The loan application process involves complex requirements and document collection. A credit advisor aids in preparing necessary documents, such as tax returns, bank statements, and employment contracts. They also guide you through the completion of loan applications and other formalities.
Negotiations with Financial Institutions: Serving as an intermediary, the advisor represents your interests during negotiations with the financial institution. They work to secure favorable loan terms by negotiating aspects like interest rates, commissions, and repayment periods to align with your specific requirements.
Advice During Construction Phase: Some mortgage advisors possess knowledge of the construction process. They provide guidance on construction costs, payment terms, implementation schedules, and other aspects related to construction financing. Additionally, they can monitor project expenses and assist in budget management.


Remember that if you have any doubts, I am happy to offer you advice and assistance. Let's meet, you will find that my help in choosing the best mortgage can be invaluable.


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Mortgage broker

Michal Kaplon

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