29 sierpnia 2021

What to check when picking up the apartment?

What to check when picking up the apartment?


Has become. You bought your first apartment in your life. You are probably wondering what to check when picking up the apartment? You are bursting with pride. In your mind, you count the days until you pick your keys, invite your friends, and finally get a good night's sleep. Wait, not so fast.

Do you need to pick up your apartment and you don't know what to do to avoid incurring any additional costs? In today's post you will learn, among others:

  • what is the apartment acceptance protocol,

  • what is the receipt of an apartment on the secondary market, and how on the primary market,

  • key elements during this important day for you,

  • construction warranty - how to use it,

  • how to fight the amendments?



What to check when picking up the apartment - a protocol for picking up the apartment on the secondary market


Receiving an apartment is always associated with great emotions. Of course, first you have to go through the entire procedure related to granting a mortgage and buying a property - that's why you can't afford any reckless step. If you have already decided to buy your dream property, and you have completed all the formalities, you must remember that one of the most important phases of the purchase is ahead of you - what to check when picking up the apartment. The process will vary slightly depending on whether you are buying the property from a developer or if it comes from the secondary market. What to check when picking up the apartment? What to look for? Of course, both acceptance of apartments have many common elements, but I will discuss them separately, because they differ from each other in small but very important details.


Remember! Always pick up the apartment in daylight. Only then do you have a chance to notice potential imperfections. Give yourself time. Examine everything carefully, look into the proverbial "mouse hole" - you have the right to do so.


Collection of the apartment from the secondary market


Of course, when you buy an apartment on the secondary market, you realize that it usually requires renovation and refreshment. I wrote more on how to obtain funds for this purpose in the article Mortgage loan and apartment renovation Mortgage loan for apartment renovation But remember, you are paying and you cannot "buy a pig in a poke". The receipt of the apartment is a key issue when buying a property. Think carefully about what to check when picking up the apartment so that you do not suffer any losses? Therefore: Check the electrical and water installations, assess the tightness of windows and doors in each room. Check if you can smell any unpleasant smell - it may indicate poor ventilation, which is related to fungus and mold on the walls.


Before you proceed with the proper reception of the apartment, I have a few tips for you. Take a look around, check the availability of parking spaces, service points. If you are the owner of a dog or cat, make sure you have a place to go for walks with your pet. Ask about who your closest neighbors will be - believe me, if you are sleepy and the neighbor behind the wall is taking piano lessons from the morning, your choice may turn out to be very unfavorable.


Receipt of the property. What to focus on, what to pay attention to?


Apartment area

If you are buying a flat on the secondary market, remember that the offers often only provide approximate parameters of the flat. Therefore, if you have any doubts about the size of the property, measure it yourself or ask an appraiser. Pay special attention when the property has a balcony, basement, garden, utility room. Sometimes clever sellers include this space in the flat.

The walls

In blocks with the so-called panel, it happens that unevenness, cracks and scratches appear on the walls. Be sure to check their condition!


Pay attention to the condition of windows and doors

Both external and internal. Assess whether they close, whether they are tight, whether the door locks are working.


Check property documents

For example, booklets with bills or resolutions of the housing community. Write down the counters, check if the owner is in arrears with payments.



Determine with the seller what elements of the equipment remain in the premises, in what condition they are. When collecting the keys, you must check that they have actually been left in the apartment. Also, when picking up the apartment, check that the former owner has not left any unnecessary items in the apartment that he or she needs, and are also damaged.


Pay attention to the condition of windows and doors

Assess whether they require renovation, refreshment or renovation.

Electric sockets

Check the number of sockets and their arrangement. This figure should match your property design.


We should also check the keys

Which we will get from the previous owner. Of course, you will replace all the locks in your new apartment, but before you can do that, you must get to it.


Protocol of receipt of the apartment


What should be included in the receipt of the apartment?

  • date and place of signing,

  • exact details of the persons signing the protocol, date, number and title of the agreement to which the protocol relates,

  • detailed information on what is the subject of the protocol transfer,


    indication of the status of all meters installed in the apartment,

  • a detailed description of all defects, faults, non-compliance with the contract that were found during the handover,

  • information on the number of transferred keys,

  • information about the submitted documents,

  • signatures of the persons involved in the transfer.


Warranty for defects in real estate on the secondary market


What to do in a situation where, despite a thorough analysis of the received apartment, we have overlooked something? How to proceed when it turns out that the windows do not close, even though the seller assured us that everything is fine with them? Can we claim our rights? Of course. In such a situation, the seller is liable under the warranty. Little is said about the warranty on the secondary market. The legal basis for the warranty is the Act of April 23, 1964 Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 1964, No. 16, item 93 and subsequent amendments). This act gives us the opportunity to take advantage of the warranty, regardless of whether we have purchased an apartment from a private person or from a company.


We can pursue our claims in accordance with the Civil Code (KC) within 5 years from the date of the transaction. The basis for the claims is Art. 556 of the Civil Code. Thus, the warranty is available to everyone and anyone can use it, if we did not know about the defect on the day of concluding the contract. The seller's liability under the warranty takes place both in the case of the so-called physical defects (leaky windows) and in the event of legal defects (e.g. mortgage on the premises). Claim your rights! Remember that, in accordance with Art. 558 of the Civil Code, the legislator provided for the possibility of extending, limiting or excluding the scope of the warranty. Due to this "legal loophole", it is very important to carefully check and analyze the purchase and sale contract. Never agree to a clause in the contract in which you declare that you will not make any claims under the warranty. Such a declaration of will excludes you from any claims. And unfortunately you will be left alone with all the corrections.


Property insurance after renovation


The long-awaited moment has come, the apartment has been taken over, renovated, you can move in. It is worth thinking what to do to feel safe and comfortable in your new home. I always advise my clients: first of all, insure the apartment. The basic policy should include insurance against:

  • theft with burglary - the possibility of recovering the equivalent for stolen items;

  • assistance - covering costs and arranging the intervention of specialists, e.g. a plumber, electrician, locksmith, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day;

  • contusion - concerns, inter alia, window and door panes, mirrors, glass elements of furniture, heating plates, glazed parts of household appliances, glass shower cubicles, aquariums;

It is worth choosing a property policy in terms of content, but also price. If you want to have comprehensive insurance, remember to purchase additional equipment, e.g. home or apartment equipment. Such protection is useful in the event of fire, flooding or theft and costs little.


Receipt of the apartment from the developer


You often ask me what steps would I take if I were to buy an apartment on the primary market? What to check when picking up the apartment from the developer? Location would be a key issue when buying a property from a developer, as this is the main factor influencing the potential increase in the value of the property price over time. And then I would check who I will be neighbors with, what will be my view from the windows: will it be a beautiful park or a rubbish dump? I would consider what the matter of traveling to my workplace, children's schools, clinics or shops will look like. I would have the developer verified. I wrote more about this in the article How to check a developer: how to check a developer? I would definitely read the opinions about the investments he made.


If the decision has already been made, the apartment has been selected, the loan has been started, you can start the further procedure. I warn you, it's not that easy! Before we move into our own apartment, which we have just purchased, we will have to have the apartment technically approved by the developer. It is not an easy task, but if you prepare well, you will come out of it unscathed. My clients often ask me what is the technical acceptance of a flat from a developer? The technical acceptance is nothing more than checking its condition before handing it over to the owner. This is the moment when buyers can submit any comments to the developer regarding the construction of the premises. In practice, this is done by writing a protocol in the presence of the developer's representative. So it is necessary to check when picking up the apartment from the developer? What is worth having with you then?

  • square, it will come in handy - you need to know if all angles are straight,

  • measuring tape,

  • a flashlight: it will be helpful if there is no lighting in the apartment yet,

  • tester: with its help you can check whether there is electricity in the sockets,

  • something to write, notebook,

  • spirit level: a tool for checking verticals and levels,

  • luminaire with bulb: to check the power supply in the upper points,

  • contract and plan of the apartment with the installation diagram.


What documents should the developer provide when picking up the apartment?


Pursuant to Art. 60 of the Construction Law Act of 7 July 1994 (Journal of Laws 2016.290 of 2016.03.08). The developer, when handing over a construction object for use, provides the owner or manager of the object with construction documentation and as-built documentation. Other documents and decisions regarding the facility are also subject to transfer, as well as, if necessary, manuals for the use and operation of: the facility, installations and devices related to this facility. You can expect these documents when picking up the apartment from the developer.


What to check when picking up the apartment from the developer?


When you come to pick up your dream apartment, the developer must provide you with a building permit and construction design, as well as a construction log and protocols from partial and final acceptance of the building. Of course, for the buyer, one of the most important elements is the occupancy permit. We must also not forget that it is the developer's responsibility to provide us with all operating instructions and guarantees. The property buyer should also receive a building energy performance certificate.


Technical acceptance of the premises:


Always arrange to pick up the premises in daylight, it is easier to notice any flaws and shortcomings. Give yourself time, do everything carefully and carefully, write down any comments carefully.


The size of the premises:

On the basis of the apartment plan and the dimensions it contains, it should be checked whether they are consistent with the actual area of ​​individual rooms. The size of the apartment does not include the balcony, terrace and attic.


Walls and ceilings:

The plaster should be checked in daylight, then it is easiest to see any unevenness and stains. Use a spirit level to check whether the walls are vertical, and whether there are no gaps between the spirit level and the wall. The surface of the walls should be straight, without bulges. The square will help us check the right angles.



In the case of windows, the tightness and appearance should be checked. The easiest way to check it is from a distance of 2 m on a gray background, also check the window frames for scratches, if the windows open smoothly, if the window sills are not scratched or splashed with paint. We should not hear any creaks or squeaks when opening and closing windows.



Let's start by checking if the installation is positioned as designed. Always count all sockets, switches, switches. If you notice any flashes after connecting the holders, report it to the developer. We will use a tester to check whether there is electricity in the sockets.



We check whether the radiator does not move, whether it is properly attached and whether it is not damaged, most often damage occurs in its lower part and at the ventilation cage. Let's also check the tightness of the ventilation valves by twisting and unscrewing them several times.


Water supply and sewage system:

Without it, your apartment will not function. Check that all water inlets and outlets are connected, including the washing machine and dishwasher. Check that the toilet seat and all taps are working.



The front door is a showpiece of the house. Therefore, check if you have a problem with opening and closing them, whether they are tight. You must remember to check if the door has been hung at the right height - there must also be panels or tiles underneath it. Also check if every room in your apartment has a door - working door.



The floor should be level and even, which can be checked with a spirit level and a staff.


When completing the technical acceptance of the apartment, pay attention to the aesthetics of the entire block. Look at the staircase, elevator, reception, if there is one in your block. Has greenery, garbage cans, and playgrounds for children been taken care of? This is the time to submit such comments to the building contractor. I hope you already know what to check when picking up the apartment to make sure that you have made every effort to ensure that the reception is correct.


Corrections after taking the flat from the primary market


You picked up your apartment, but unfortunately it has a few downsides. What to do in that case? You absolutely have to write them down, only then you have a guarantee that the developer will correct them. In conclusion, if these are defects that prevent you from living in this building, never sign the handover report.

Therefore, when picking up the apartment, the most important thing is not only to spot any defects, but also to have them in writing. Only in this way ensures that the developer has seen them and will remove them within the prescribed period. However, this applies only to insignificant defects. In the event that we discover material defects that make it impossible to move in, we do not sign the delivery and acceptance protocol! The developer should correct the relevant defect and we report back to pick up the apartment.


Warranty for an apartment from the developer - how does it work in practice?


This is important. If you want to invoke the statutory warranty in Polish civil law (Art. 556-576 of the Civil Code), you must remember that the developer must be notified of any physical defect within one month. Otherwise, you will lose the right to the warranty. Do not hesitate to report faults. As we will notice some flaws in the apartment only during the apartment, do not hesitate to report them on a regular basis. Due to the fact that the building structure is covered by a three-year warranty, and in the case of finishing the apartment it is a period of 12 months, you must be vigilant not to miss the applicable deadlines


What to look for when picking up the apartment - summary


Since buying your first apartment is often one of the most important decisions in your life, do your best not to disturb it. To sum up, when picking up an apartment, regardless of whether it was bought on the primary or secondary market, remember about a few very important rules that will allow you to avoid mistakes, save time and money. Think about what to check when picking up the apartment before you buy a pig in a poke.

  • The receipt of the apartment is an important moment in your life, devote as much time and attention to it as possible. Do not rush.

  • Always receive the apartment in daylight.


    You have the right to view all documents related to the apartment, its legal and technical condition

  • Look carefully and check the condition of the premises in which you will live

  • Check the area where your future home is located.

  • Read the purchase contract carefully.


Remember that if you have any doubts, I am happy to offer you advice and assistance. Let's meet, you will find that my help in choosing the best mortgage can be invaluable.


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